

September 26, 2021: Fixed a known issue for cloud engine scan/query function. Each backend node can use different management port instead of the default 53350. Scan/query function can run without an issue as long as separate forwarding port is associated with each backend node's management port. Please check JetsonEngine source update and User Guide's section "Auto-Generating ChessBase UCI Engines on Client". 


August 28, 2021: Latest Lc0 release v0.28.0 doesn't require cuDNN library patch or meson script tweak any more as long as Xavier OS is updated to JetPack 4.6. It is much easier to build Lc0 for Xavier now. Please check the updated "Setup Xavier NX and Compile Engine Source Code". For older Lc0 and JetPack if you still need the library patch and script tweak, please visit here. Also, JetPack 4.6 released on August 4, 2021 added new power modes for Xavier NX and AGX Xavier, which may further boost performance.


August 16, 2020: We added frontend client support for Mac OS and Linux. As of current version v2.2008.1601, the JRE engines are tested with ChessBase/Fritz for Windows 10, HIARCS Chess Explorer for macOS Catalina, and command line for Ubuntu Linux 18.04.


August 15, 2020: GitHub repository is published.


July 5, 2020: We updated the user guide for the "Cloud Access" section under Step 3. Here is a diagam for accessing backend engine through Port Forwarding.


June 28, 2020: Released Jetson Engine v2. Now users can remotely access all UCI-compliant engines (LCZero, Stockfish, Fat Fritz, Fritz, Komodo, Houdini, etc) from Xavier device, Windows server, and Linux server. Multiple ChessBase clients can access the same server to share engines.


June 7, 2020: Added support for Stockfish engine running on Nvidia Jetson device. Two binaries are required to launch SF: stockfish for Jetson backend and jetsonsf.exe for ChessBase frontend. Technically, both jetsonlc0/lc0 and jetsonsf/stockfish can be launched and run evaluations at the same time from the same Jetson device. There won’t be much performance degradation since lc0 runs on GPU and SF runs on CPU. Along with Nvidia GPU, Jetson Xavier NX comes with powerful 6-core ARM64 CPU.


May 31, 2020: Released Jetson Lc0 (Jetson Engine v1). Support for LCZero engine running on Nvidia Jetson device. Lc0 is best to run on Nvidia GPU with large amounts of CUDA cores and Tensor cores. Jetson Xavier NX device comes with GPU that has 384 CUDA cores and 48 Tensor cores. Three binaries are required to launch lc0: lc0, 256x20-t40-1541.pb.gz for Jetson backend, and jetsonlc0.exe for ChessBase frontend.